

Xintu CPVC Resin adopt Solvent Method for production. In view of the excellent characteristics of CPVC:

corrosion resistance

chemical resistance

water resistance

heat resistance

flame retardancy

good solubility

good dispersion

film formation

excellent thermeelaticity

electrical insulation property

mechanical strength

Xintu CPVC Resin are widely used in Special CPVC Paints & المعجون, الطلاءات المضادة للتآكل, Flame Retardant Coatings, Chemical Resistant Coatings, لاصق, الأسمنت المذيب.

Xintu CPVC Resin are also used in the production of PVC Film, شريط عازل, كابل, الطين المقاوم للحريق, Cooling Tower Fill, أنابيب CPVC & توصيلات, as well as Leather Brightener, كربونات الليثيوم الممتزات, المواد الخافضة للتوتر السطحي لاستخراج الزيت, إلخ.

شينتو تك is dedicated to providing customized solutions for different industries. Meanwhile, our distribution and sales network spans across Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Southeast Asia and many countries.

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